• Consider your target audience and their resources when planning your education.
    For example: What registration fee can be afforded? Do they have access to technology?
            Can they travel? Will they need childcare?

  • Strive to have your planning committee and selected educators represent all intended target audiences, including patients and families when possible and appropriate. Consider selecting planners and educators who represent diverse perspectives and lived experiences (race, ethnicity, gender, profession, etc.).

  • Choose education formats and geographic locations/spaces that are accessible to all targeted learners, regardless of age or abilities. For example, for virtual education, always turn on Closed Captioning.

  • Ensure marketing material outlines what accessibility accommodations are available 

  • Consider cultural and religious holidays when planning education.

Inter-Faith Holidays Calendar

We recommend searching your specific dates to see if they conflict with any major religious or cultural observances. Consider the significance and limitations of the observance, and the demographics of your team and guests. If scheduling during a holiday is unavoidable, consider if reasonable accommodations can be made to ensure guests can celebrate or observe appropriately. Click here to view our list of major holidays to consider when scheduling.


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